Picture of a partial solar eclipse

Your education, the movement of the earth and moon towards the sun can cause natural events called eclipses. There are two kinds of eclipses, the occurrence of a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse that is propurl read more.

The Process of a Solar Eclipse According to Experts

Getting to know the lunar eclipse eclipse info

The Process of a Solar Eclipse

Nearly 99 percent of the sunlight will be covered by the moon during a total solar eclipse so that the umbra area of ​​the earth will be dark like night but still.

Picture of a partial solar eclipse. Even though the moon is smaller, the moon’s shadow is able to completely protect sunlight because the moon, which is an average distance of 384400 kilometers from the earth, is closer than the sun, which has an average distance of 149.680000 kilometers. This solar eclipse is generally broken down into several types. In the process of a solar eclipse, part of the position of the sun’s moon and earth are in a straight line, but the position of the moon will be slightly off so that the surface of the moon’s sphere when it reaches the peak of the solar eclipse can only cover part of the sun’s rays.

This refers to the process of the solar eclipse as we discussed above and also refers to the distance from the sun to the earth and also the moon to the earth. This can happen because at the peak of the eclipse the peak of the lunar umbra cone is almost right on the surface of the earth and at this location a total solar eclipse will be observed. A solar eclipse occurs when the position of the moon is between the earth and the sun so that it blocks part or all of the sunlight.

Even though the moon is smaller in size, the shadow of the moon is able to completely protect the sun’s light because the moon, which is an average distance of 384400 kilometers from the earth, is closer than the sun, which has an average distance of 149680000. it is smaller than the sun’s circle. A solar eclipse occurs when the position of the moon is between the earth and the sun so that it blocks part or all of the sunlight.

In this type of solar eclipse, in some places on earth, the observed eclipse is a ring solar eclipse, while in other places it is a total solar eclipse. For more details, consider the picture of the process of the solar eclipse below. Called a ring eclipse because the sunlight that is not covered will be on the edge and form like a ring.

For more details, consider the following picture of the partial solar eclipse. An eclipse occurs when a celestial body is in a straight line. At the time of this incident there were still parts of the sun that looked bright.

Because the moon’s diameter is not bigger than the earth’s diameter, the solar eclipse only occurs on a small part of the earth’s surface and only lasts approximately 7 minutes. Partial solar eclipses occur when the earth is in the shadow region of the lunar penumbra. The occurrence of a solar eclipse in general, there is always an eclipse phase such as a partial crescent-ring solar eclipse until the total sunlight is completely covered by the moon.

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