Pictures of the History of Bandung Lautan Api

The Bandung sea of ​​fire incident occurred because British troops began to enter the city of Bandung since mid-October 1945. So there arose an opinion from the military police commander in Bandung.

March 23, 1946 Bandung The Sea of ​​Fire Blazes

Bandung Lautan Api Reveals the Background of the Event

Bandung Merdeka Com War Within the City Before Bandung Ocean of Fire

The term bandung laut api also appeared in the daily Suara Merdeka, March 26, 1946.

Pictures of the history of Bandung Sea of ​​Fire. One day in March 1946, within seven hours around 200000 residents made history by burning their houses and property leaving the city of Bandung to the mountains in the south. Within seven hours they burned their houses and property before finally leaving Bandung. The Bandung sea of ​​fire incident occurred in March 1946.

This historical event occurred when Indonesia was facing efforts to maintain its independence after the 1945 proclamation of independence. mid-October 1945 in the city of flowers British and nica troops carried out terror against the people, resulting in fighting. Traces of Bandung’s struggle, the sea of ​​fire, brings us back to the various events in Bandung which culminated in a tense night when residents fled to flee in the midst of flames and enemy gunfire.

He thinks let’s make south bandung into a sea of ​​fire which he calls the ocean of fire but in fact the ocean of water ah nasution May 1, 1997. The event of bandung sea of ​​fire is one of the very popular historical events. By November 1945, the Nica team became more and more rampant in Bandung.

Who has never heard the term bandung sea of ​​fire. The history of Bandung Sea of ​​Fire is the origin of a story about the hope of courage and love. This great history is done by the residents of Bandung who number around 200000 people.

Several years later the song hello hello bandung was written to symbolize their emotions as they promised to return to their beloved city which had become a sea of ​​fire. The Bandung event, the sea of ​​fire is the biggest fire event after the independence carried out by 200000 Bandung residents who burned their homes and left the city for the mountains in the southern Bandung area within the hour end on March 23, 1946. In Bandung the British and Nica troops carried out terror against the people thus resulting in a battle.

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